Steven - so very sorry for your little guy. Nothing is harder for a parent than seeing a child suffer. Your community is sending you love and prayers. Let us know if you need anything, anything at all.

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James your generosity never ceases to amaze me. God bless you and I look forward to returning your call soon.

Merry Christmas.

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God Bless you too Steven. Big hugs

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You remind us that, while we all live in one world, we also each live in our own little world. I pray that your world finds peace and calm and your son has no more seizures.

A very good friend adopted a little boy (who is now also two). He came from difficult circumstances, but she and her husband had no idea that he would soon experience Grand Mal seizures. At first terrified, they have learned what to expect and how to respond. I saw her a few weeks ago and listened with admiration as she described how they are doing. God has been with them every step of the way. Easy? Definitely not. Yet they are still full of gratitude.

Thank you for sharing your story. May love surround you and your family.

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Heather thank you for your blessings and prayers. May you and your very good friends be blessed abundantly.

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Thank you, Steven.

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“Down please.” So sweet and innocent 😭💛

Steven, I’m so sorry you and your wife went through this trauma. Grateful your little guy is home with you and that your faith carried you through your darkest hours.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas and New Years!!! ♥️

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I'll never hear those words the same.

Thank you for your kind wishes Alexandra. May you be blessed abundantly this Christmas and New Year as you have been a treasure to so many of us here. 💛

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Oh my goodness. It's incredibly brave how you and your wife managed this situation, Steven. I'm so sorry your little one had to go through that and I'm ever so grateful that you all have returned home safe. My prayers and love for his speedy recovery 🙏🏼

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Sending prayers for you and your family Steven. Faith is such a strength 🙏🏽

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I think watching someone you love suffer may be the deepest of all sorrows. I am sorry this sorrow made its way into your life Steven. Praying for his recovery, and your own. Love you

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Steven Foster

Absolutely horrifying, I am shaken and hollow at this thought. Praying for you and your family. Sending love especially to your wife, as a mother, I know no greater love. ♥️

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Such beautiful writing that conveys viscerally what you’re going through.

You’re moving through this with faithful courage. I wish you equanimity as each day unfolds, and getting to the root cause to restore your little boy’s health.

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Praying. And grateful. Because the hair is still standing on edge. Blessings to you this special Christmas season, Steven.

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The grace, in both the religious and the secular senses of the word, displayed in your essay is excellent and inspiring.

All prayers and best wishes for recovery in all aspects and for peace this Christmastide.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Steven Foster

Can’t begin to imagine what you three went through. I’m in awe at your strength and how quickly you have turned it into a deep lesson. Your son seems to have inherited your strength and love for life. Know that I’m here anything you need. Un fuerte abrazo a los tres

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Praying for you brother.

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Steven , Prayers for the young boy and you. Have a graceful year ahead .

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First, praise God that He was with your family during this tumultuous time. Second, you have a gift for bringing together narration and contemplation.

May your family have a blessed Christmas season.

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Having had a few moments like this as a parent, the anguish you share is so very real. The prayers of our family are with yours this season of mystery. 🙏

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So frightening. I’m glad he’s okay and home safe with you and your wife. I’ll be keeping by all of you in my thoughts. I’m sure you’ve given him extra snuggles, but give him extra extra snuggles for me

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