With you in this minute. In prayer and solidarity.

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Jun 3Liked by Steven Foster

Just from following your work, it sounds like you've had one hell of a last 6-8 months Steven. I didn't want to say anything initially because my words felt empty, insufficient.

But then in my reading I came across a quote that I thought could resonate:

“Suffering is the way we test our love... Most of the time, suffering is a test of our love for God."

I'm suffering with you, my friend.

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Steven, thank you for sharing this with us! Thinking of you and your family during this time 🙏

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🙏🏻 Thank you for sharing so much with so few, precious words, my friend. United in prayer.

To answer your question from my heart - Jesus meant TRUST when he said we ought to believe... 'Trust that I want abundant life for you. Trust that I love you. Trust that I will accomplish all things in the Father's Will.'

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May 31Liked by Steven Foster

Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts, my friend.

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May 31Liked by Steven Foster

Sending my best energies and wishes to your mom and family, Steven

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May 31Liked by Steven Foster

The Lord bless you and keep you during tjis season.

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I don’t know if I am able to help you with a prayer.

But I know I could help you if you wanted some resources about healing from cancer. It’s one of the areas I’ve gained some experience in from the functional health “bow” of my coaching. I’d gladly have a conversation with you to see what might help.

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Steven, praying for your mother and for your family. Sending healing energy.

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